Since the 1990s, the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA), Charles County, Prince George's County and other stakeholders have conducted studies on ways to improve transit in the corridor. Through these efforts, the following goals have been developed:
- Deliver improved, accessible, cost-effective transit service on separate lanes or tracks linking Washington Metro and the activity centers in the Washington Metropolitan Region to the regional activity center at Waldorf
- Contribute to reverse commuting by providing transit access to employment opportunities in Prince George's and Charles counties
- Support planned transit-oriented employment and redevelopment opportunities included in approved local plans at locations such as Branch Avenue Metro Station, the Central Branch Avenue Corridor in Prince George's County and the Waldorf Redevelopment District in Charles County
- Provide transit alternatives throughout the day and evening for those traveling between existing and planned development nodes along the MD 5/US 301 corridor
- Improve accessibility to employment and services for transit-dependent populations along the corridor and throughout the region
- Provide an environmentally prudent and sustainable transportation alternative to automobile use and ownership for residents and workers in the MD 5/US 301 corridor traveling between northern Charles County and the Branch Avenue Metro station area
- Increase the transportation capacity of the transportation system serving the MD 5/US 301 corridor